Our volunteers are the HEART of everything we do.
Serving Opportunities

You can make a difference just by visiting Heartland Outlet
When you shop at the outlet (next door to the HEART warehouse) you're helping to make a difference. Profits from Heartland Outlet fund the mission of HEART. From flooring, to furniture, to pantry items, the outlet has all your needs for less!
However you want to get involved with HEART, we appreciate you.
Volunteers are the backbone of Heart Response Ministry. By giving your time and skills, you help us reach more people and create lasting change. There are so many different ways to get involved. Come join our team in making an impact in local communities and beyond. You will be a part of something bigger than yourself and assist in good works within our community.

Impact Trips / Disaster Relief
HEART provides disaster relief locally and nationally. We are able to quickly mobilize volunteers to assist with storm cleanup and home repair.
We cook and serve meals to first responders and disaster relief volunteers, and local community members impacted by the disaster. We also supply cleanup and construction materials, and provide emotional support.
Serving the Community
The Special Events Team partners with churches, law enforcement, local businesses, etc., to serve the community by organizing picnic type events where volunteers serve community members free meals. These events allow at risk populations to connect with local support networks and enhance community relationships.
Heartland Outlet
Heartland Outlet is a not-for-profit retail store that was started to support HEART and our non-profit partners. It is primarily volunteer run. Cashier, assist customers, load vehicles, sort, price, and stock merchandise, or assemble/fix/test furniture, small engines, or tools. Visit the Heartland Outlet to learn more about the store and how it helps the mission of HEART.